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All New Features of the DRACOON Cloud are Available for Testing in Advance

All New Features of the DRACOON Cloud are Available for Testing

Sigrid Robold
6/9/20 2:42 PM

All DRACOON cloud customers have the opportunity to test all upcoming features before release.

Who can participate in the DRACOON beta test?
Everybody who is registered as technical contact person for DRACOON can participate in the DRACOON beta program.

How do I get access data for the DRACOON beta environment?
Every technical contact person who is registered with us has received an email containing the concrete steps that are necessary to get a personal DRACOON beta environment.

What are the advantages of the DRACOON beta test?
Being able to test the latest features before the actual release helps you prepare for the update. So, you can estimate the impact for your end users before the update and make appropriate preparations.

Give feedback!
In order to develop DRACOON as close as possible to the needs of our customers, we would be pleased if you share your experiences with the use of the new interface with us. Just use the feedback button in your DRACOON beta environment.

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